Cloud Computing Solutions

Phontinent Technologies provides affordable cloud services like application development, maintenance, migration, and integration. .


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Cloud Computing Solutions Provider

Our extensive cloud computing experience allows us to create customized cloud-based solutions for your business.

Phontinent Technologies helps you accelerate, simplify, and adapt to the cloud with industry-leading TCO. Many corporate and government bodies use our cloud computing service for CRM, database, computation, and data storage. Easily use applications, store, share, and secure content with our cloud computing services on any web-connected device.

We recognize the power of cloud computing and provide complete cloud computing solutions to enterprises of all sizes and sectors. Phontinent Technologies takes a solution-based approach to help you establish a cloud strategy that works for your organization today and tomorrow. Our Cloud Computing services let customers access data, programs, and services online without expensive hardware like hard drives and servers, allowing them to operate from anywhere.

Challenges & Opportunities

Cloud Advice Services

Cloud Computing offers scalability, reactivity, and cost savings, thus companies move to the Cloud. Phontinent Technologies's Advisory Services help firms create a Cloud Computing strategy, cost-benefit analysis, and enterprise-wide adoption plan. We maximize agility, TCO reduction, and ROI by strategically transforming processes, technology, and capabilities.

App Development in the Cloud

Our cloud applications are full and flexible enterprise applications designed to be cloud-ready and work seamlessly in mixed settings. Our Application Development services maximize Cloud benefits. Our pre-cloud technology and experience may be used to create unique cloud applications for private, public, and hybrid cloud platforms.

Solution for Cloud Migration

We offer scalable computer power and elastic infrastructure services to help businesses transfer older apps to the cloud. We have real-world expertise migrating customers' on-premises applications to cloud, transforming legacy apps for migration preparation, and building new native cloud applications across numerous industry verticals and domains. Our efficient and fast migration, transformation, building, and conversion services make application management easy.

Consulting and Azure Solutions

Azure Solutions & Consulting helps businesses quickly evaluate their ideas and implement optimal Cloud solutions. Our services help you control costs, improve compliance, increase ROI, and lower TCO. We provide server components and administrative tools for strategic, global information management, enhancing Microsoft Azure's Platform as a Service strategy.

AWS Consulting

Our AWS experts have helped firms use Amazon Web Services. We help you identify the business case for AWS, plan, deploy, and manage complex AWS initiatives, and provide a comprehensive range of consulting and technology solutions for Amazon Web Services.

The Cloud Integration Solution

We provide full-service cloud integration support. Cloud integration is crucial and requires flawless administration, which our experts do with precision. Phontinent Technologies guarantees affordable Cloud Integration Solutions.

Interested in a service from Phontinent Technologies?

Looking to Convert your Idea into a Profitable Business?

Explore the Potential of AWS, Azure, SharePoint & Dynamic CRM

Amazon Web Services

Despite strong competition, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the market leader in cloud computing. The provider has built a vast ecosystem of partners and keeps adding features to broaden its appeal, with even conventional enterprises considering moving production workloads to AWS cloud services. Phontinent Technologies professionals know how to maximize AWS value to construct the best IT infrastructure for your organization.

Windows Azure

Microsoft Windows Azure, designed to work, requires top-notch technology. Azure's functional advantages and facilities must be handled by agile and competent hands to maximize value at the lowest cost. Phontinent has taken advantage of Windows Azure Development by using our longstanding relationship with Microsoft solutions.


Microsoft SharePoint has been a great web development platform for years. Content and document management system every developer is proud of. With Microsoft SharePoint's extensive options, web-integration is elevated.

Dymamics CRM

Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps businesses generate leads, nurture relationships, track sales, and satisfy customers. It covers CRM best practices with Microsoft-like flexibility, familiarity, and functionality.

Benefits of Adopting Cloud Services

More with less

Companies find it easier to shrink or delete their data centers. IT expenditures decrease with fewer servers and people


Companies can establish and run data centers without buying equipment. Hardware, facilities, and uses don't need to be expensive.

Greater Cooperation

Cloud apps make real-time information sharing easier. This reduces time-to-market and improves product development and customer service.

Flexible Costs

Cloud computing expenses are variable compared to traditional approaches. By commissioning, companies simply pay for server and infrastructure capacity as needed.

Improved Mobility

Smart phones and tablets allow workers to work remotely and access data and applications from anywhere.

Smaller Environmental Impact

We have less environmental effect due to fewer data centers and more efficient operations.

Technologies We Support Phrases That Encourage Us

One-stop for Fulfilling Your Business's Goals










