Database Management Solution

Phontinent Technologies provides affordable database design, development, and maintenance services including Migration, Configuration, and Performance Tuning.


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Database Design & Development Services

Database management is essential for data management within and across functional units. Standardizing and streamlining data storage is crucial. Phontinent Technologies provides the greatest alternatives for gathering, accessing, managing, analyzing, processing, and disbursing data to ensure database security, availability, and performance. We understand modern data needs and have provided the correct database management scaffold to business units of all orientations and applications.
Our tech-focused environment supports advanced study. This helps database experts absorb new tech easily. They may create and implement the latest versions and bring definite options to complex company needs, forming compatible solutions for distinct database requirements of numerous departments and functional units, both independently and combined.
Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, SQL Azure, Teradata, IBM DB2, Sybase, PostgreSQL, Netezza, and others have been used to build authentic database solutions for various business demands Our database management solution helps you get the best results for online, full-text, graph, time series, XML, public domain, real-time, document-oriented, relational, navigational, and other databases.

Robust Database Solutions

Database Planning

You need to bring in new customers and expand your base of existing ones before you can move forward with direct marketing campaigns. We are aware of the challenges that you may confront and can provide insightful solutions. Our customer database management systems help to boost marketing momentum and company visibility in cataloging and merchandise sales, online publishing, and retail sales.

Architectural Design & Development

The design of websites is an essential component of database management solutions. Database solutions offered by Phontinent Technologies are known for their ability to enhance the performance of infrastructure. The best solutions are those that are designed to give users an amazing website design while also making development easier.

Monitoring and managing databases

Our talented developers make database monitoring easier. Our pioneering database monitoring tools let you monitor data workability, functionality, performance, security, and more. Phontinent Technologies has always provided 100% satisfactory and correct solutions to clients, who are always satisfied.

Tuning database performance

Phontinent Technologies makes it easy to tune up your data, keep it relevant to your modern business style, and enjoy great benefits with our team of database managers. Database management services include the tweaking of data performance.

Copying and Synchronizing

To improve availability, performance, consistency, and data transfer costs, you must replicate and synchronize data every time an application uses it in cloud and on-premises datacenters. Phontinent Technologies provides excellent Database Management Applications services. Join us for the proper help.

Database Backup/Recovery

We are able to cut capacity requirements by 80% thanks to storage efficiency technology such as data duplication. The availability of business-critical object stores and content-management applications can be increased while risk is decreased with the assistance of continuous data protection.

Maintenance and Checkup

Database Management solutions from Phontinent Technologies make daily database health checks easier. In case the script's default and tuning parameters need to be increased or decreased for database smoothness, it's easier to examine and propose. We provide SQL Server administrators with sophisticated performance monitoring and diagnostics solutions to monitor server health, performance, and issues.

Upgrading and Moving

Get comprehensive Migration Services to upgrade Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, or DB2 databases. Many popular platforms are withdrawing support for earlier versions, forcing enterprises to upgrade to protect their data from major issues without solutions. With the proper specialists overseeing your upgrades, you can reduce the hurdles and safely move your data using proven processes across large and small enterprises.

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Results-Based Database Solutions

Remote DBA Support

Phontinent provides the most cost-efficient and effective database management solutions. Many firms have used our solutions to cut support expenses and boost performance and availability with our DBA support services.

Big-Data Solutions

Phontinent Technologies collaborates to organize your Big Data and implements the technology needed to manage and comprehend it, allowing you to foresee customer demand and make smarter decisions.

DB Customization

Find the appropriate support you need at Phontinent Technologies, where they offer individualized database solutions for desktop computers, websites, and mobile devices. Developing a data application or modifying an existing one is made simpler by our best practices for the domain. Your requirements for business software are being effectively satisfied.

Managed Databases

Database and application infrastructure are essential to company IT today. Enterprises have constant problems in managing vital and growing data portfolios and meeting business requirements for optimal performance and accessibility.

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