Hire App Developers

Want an affordable app developer for your project? Phontinent Technologies is your platform.

Hire Application Developer

Your entrepreneurial journey with Phontinent Technologies . For lone entrepreneurs, startups, small or medium-sized businesses, and established organizations, Phontinent Technologies  offers app developers for hire to start or complete projects without the high cost of full-time developers.

Our clients say employing an offshore developer cut project development costs by 50% and completion time by 32%. Use the cost-and-time benefits of our experienced developers working for you according to your budget, time, and location.

For your specific needs, we accept various engagement and hiring methods. Employ full-time or part-time App Developers at our development facility or your corporate office. We provide offshore freedom with in-house control.

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Hire App Developers for Multiple Industries

Travel & Hospitality

Phontinent Technologies has expertise in developing branded applications for travel and hospitality companies. All the basic elements travelers expect are in the applications for a hassle-free experience.

Banking and finance

Hire mobile app developers for banking, finance, and insurance. Experienced banking and fintech app developers will provide specialized services, including digital wallets, payment gateways, and transactions.


Hire our App Developers for comprehensive mobile app development for your hospital, clinic, or healthcare service. We design apps to help you reach more patients and treat them more efficiently.


Remote developers excel in creating exceptional applications for media and entertainment organizations. Our developers are reliable for online video streaming, OTT apps, music streaming, and book reading platforms.


Choosing Phontinent Technologies for iOS app development for your school, institute, college, or eLearning platform is a wise choice. Our developers create amazing education apps.

Food Delivery

Dedicated resources on our platform have worked on top food delivery and restaurant apps worldwide. User-focused features include order placement, GPS tracking, payment gateway, reviews, and more.

Work Search

The world nowadays is about talents. Hire our app developers to connect recruiters and bright individuals through a career portal. The skills of our developers will help you realize your vision.

Fitness and Yoga

Seeking professional developers for mobile apps in fitness, yoga, activity monitoring, nutrition, diet, or meditation. Invest in committed resources from our platform to create a competitive fitness app.

Shop & eCommerce

Phontinent Technologies developers excel in ecommerce mobile app development, making them ideal for every retail and commerce app development. Successful stores need all the fundamental and sophisticated features.

Technical Skills of Our Programmers

Custom app development

Phontinent Technologies offers talented developers who excel in custom app creation. Share your requirements, customizations, tech stack, etc., and we'll find the appropriate project resources.


If you require dedicated app developers for short or long-term support and maintenance, we can assist you. With unrivaled technological expertise, developers will satisfy and meet your needs.

Moving and Upgrading Apps

Want to convert your app to iOS or other platforms? Looking to hire app developers for upgrades or enhancements? Professional developers are always available to help with your needs.

AR/VR apps

Augmented and virtual reality mobile apps are trendy. If your idea relies on these technologies, employ our skilled developers who can create modern apps using the latest technology.

App Testing

Our platform has QA professionals for iOS apps that need testing to fix bugs. Hire the appropriate people to detect and fix all your problems and improve customer experience.

iOS Consultation

Proper consulting is essential in today's competitive market to keep current. We offer iOS app consultancy and hourly dedicated developers for business-critical tasks.

Added Value and Benefits

Niche-Specific Project Developers

Outsourced project development provides architecture professionals in certain businesses and niches. iOS development is not one-size-fits-all.

Focus on Core Business

By outsourcing development, you may save time and focus on your main business, accelerating growth.

Cut Operations Costs

Avoid infrastructure, manpower, and other costs. By hiring Phontinent Technologies developers remotely, you can decrease overhead expenditures.

Save Time, Money

After understanding the project, your expectations, and requirements, developers will take responsibility. No need to spend time on it.


Offshore remote developers always give risk-free results. By taking ownership of your project, our developers work diligently and reduce risks.

Time Zone Flexibility

Hire remote developers from any country and region based on time zones. Flexibility allows quick, hassle-free collaboration.

Delivered On Time

Our app developers for hire consistently deliver over 95% of projects on schedule, ensuring timely completion of your task.

Costs are reasonable

Since you may hire a remote developer hourly, full-time, or part-time, it will be cost-effective.

Onboarding Quickly

Your project gets developers after you choose one following the interview. No waiting for notification period completion. Speed up onboarding always.

Hiring Models of Phontinent Technologies

Top Reasons to Hire Dedicated Developers From

Hire deeply vetted developers

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Daily Reporting & Code Push

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Easy administration

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Flexible Work Hours

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Direct Communication

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We deploy top-notch agile teams who define and enable your vision on-demand.

Save Time

Instead of manually reviewing resumes, instantly find the best match candidates for you

Improve accuracy

Instead of manually reviewing resumes, instantly find the best match candidates for you

Reduce bias

Instead of manually reviewing resumes, instantly find the best match candidates for you

Better candidate experience

Instead of manually reviewing resumes, instantly find the best match candidates for you

Ready to discuss your project?

Hire us today and let’s craft something great together

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One-stop for Fulfilling Your Business's Goals










