Hire Mobile App Developers & Programmers @ $20/hour

Save much by hiring a mobile app developer for your app. Hire mobile app developers for $20/hour.

Hire Mobile Application Developer

Phontinent Technologies IT Solution's Mobile App Developers Maximize IT ROI and Sales Opportunities.

Phontinent Technologies IT Solution has a skilled team of mobile app developers and programmers proficient in iOS, Android, PhoneGap, and Xamarin platforms. We give clients the flexibility to shorten or prolong projects after the minimal term. This gives clients more control throughout the entire development process. Over 150 professional and certified programmers are available for mobile app development.

Hiring Mobile App Developers and programmers offers the best benefits for designing your app your way. We offer many options from our big pool of resources to choose the ideal recruiting package for you.

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Our Simple 6-Step Mobile App Development Process

Ideation and Market Research

Mobile app developers are needed because your in-house staff is skilled in your primary business. Our professionals have solved problems in many fields and can help you find the best ideas to beat your competitors.


After brainstorming and researching, professionals wireframe your mobile app. The core of your mobile app is this. Our professionals combine creativity and technological skills to provide a unique solution.

Tech and Dev

After developing the wireframe, focus on technology and development. Our mobile app development team leverages cutting-edge technology to provide scalable, flexible solutions for future standards.


Basic UI/UX testing includes functions and features. However, after the app is finished, navigation and aesthetics are tested. Our UI/UX Design team produces apps that appeal to your target demographic.

Test Features and Functions

Features and functions are tested in the app. Phontinent Technologies IT Solution's Quality Analysis and Software Testing team performs multiple tests to ensure your solutions are bug-free and work properly.

App deployment

After test team approval, the app is released. The support team says you can contact them after deployment if any changes are needed. We treat your business like our own and work hard to maximize earnings.

Platforms We Serve

iOS Mobile App Developers

Phontinent Technologies IT Solution's iOS mobile app development team can help you start or finish your app idea project without the cost of hiring full-time iPhone app developers. Swift app developers may create iOS, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Watch apps.

Developers of Android apps

The Android app development business is booming. With the internet and smartphones becoming necessities, the android app business is growing rapidly. Our Kotlin mobile app developers can drop Android-compatible solutions simply. We have Android app developers who can help you create a market-ready app.

Cross-platform app developers

Many avoid native app development since it limits audience. Cross-platform app development expands audience reach. This covers smartphone users of any OS. Our cross-platform app developers provide feature-rich solutions that get you the best results quickly.

Wearable app developers

Love of technology grows with technology. Our wearable app developers ensure that solutions are current. Smartphone functions are easier to use with smart wearables.

Progressive Web App Developers

Entrepreneurs often overlook online apps. Despite the growth of the mobile app development business, online apps are always in style. Phontinent Technologies IT Solution's progressive web app developers provide browser-friendly, feature-rich solutions. Nobody leaves your app because they don't know what to do.

Flutter app developers

In recent years, mobile app development has grown. Flutter was an industry highlight. The language for faster, cheaper hybrid app development. Flutter app developers can be hired with a click.

Xamarin app developers

This intriguing language works on Android, Microsoft, and iOS. Our Xamarin App Developers can help you create a fast, scalable, and long-lasting mobile app.

Ionic App Makers

Ionic app developers provide fast and flexible mobile app development. This language can construct native, hybrid, web, and other apps. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are used to construct this language.

Ready to discuss your project?

Hire us today and let’s craft something great together

Engagement & Hiring Models

Added Value and Benefits

Why Hire Mobile App Developers from Phontinent Technologies?

  • Team of 250+ skilled and devoted developers.
  • Our developer hire costs start at $15/hour.
  • Various recruiting models and industry-expert developers
  • To ensure robust development, use Agile technique.
  • Highly skilled full-stack mobile app developers.
  • Projects completed on projected timetable.
  • Project status is reported regularly and transparently.

Technologies We Support Phrases That Encourage Us

One-stop for Fulfilling Your Business's Goals










